Yesterday another 7am start for the 10 hour bus journey to Ganzi. A microbus for the benefit of locals, lots of stopping to pick up and drop off people in the middle of nowhere places and carrying this years produce to market or vice versa. Ok overall but scenery nothing exciting just meandering along the river with grassland hills. Only in the last hour with views of the Chola mountains did it pick up and become scenic.
Ganzi itself a good enough place with plenty of atmosphere and colour. Largely Tibetan and Khampa and lots of friendly monks and nuns. Even a bit grimy and dirty unlike the modern queaky clean typical chinese town.
Today out wandering around the hills, villages and monasteries. Very scenic with the mountain backdrop, monasteries, prayer flags and river, unfortunately it still has those horrible dogs – the locals had to rescue my camera when I ran so quick I left it. Also very hot and the sun very strong up this high.
No idea whats next. tomorrow 1st October National Day holiday which go on for a week so not sure how that will affect things, little in the way of English here and not much more in the way of buses so….
Tags: China, Ganzi, Travel